Religious Scholar, Author, Affirmative Thinker.  

Michael Zedek is Rabbi Emeritus of two outstanding Congregations, The Temple, Congregation B'nai Jehudah (greater Kansas City) and Emanuel Congregation of Chicago.

In September of 2021, Zedek accepted the position of Rabbi-in-Residence at Saint Paul School of Theology, a United Methodist Seminary.

Zedek is a frequent presenter on themes related to spirituality for professional groups around the world, including South Africa, Israel, Russia, Poland, the former Yugoslavia, Thailand, Italy, and Hong Kong. Rabbi Zedek is a regular presenter at Rancho La Puerta in Tecate, Mexico, the oldest and, perhaps, most well-known spirituality and fitness resort in North America.

The Rabbi has a significant profile in the interfaith community, serving as founder and host of "Religion on the Line," a radio program that recently concluded a 29-year-long run. Zedek is the author of a number of articles for professional and popular journals. His first book, Taking Miracles Seriously: A Journey to Everyday Spirituality was published in September of 2023.